🖥️Operation on Windows (CLI)

The Releases section on our GitHub is the best place to get the latest binary releases and view the source code.

Step 1: Download the CLI

Step 2: Extract the downloaded package

  • Use your prefered extractor (e.g., WinRAR or 7-Zip) to extract the package

Step 3: Move goworkerd.dll to the system directory

  • Move goworkerd.dll to C:\Windows\System32 , you may use file explorer to complete this step, or use the following command:

move /y "path\to\goworkerd.dll" "C:\Windows\System32"

Step 4: Launch the CLI

titan-edge daemon start --init --url https://cassini-locator.titannet.io:5000/rpc/v0

Step 6: Bind the Identity Code

Replace your-hash-here with the obtained Identity Code

titan-edge bind --hash=your-hash-here https://api-test1.container1.titannet.io/api/v2/device/binding

Step 7: Stop the Node

titan-edge daemon stop

Last updated