💪Intall Titan Agent on Linux (ARM)

Installing and Running Titan Agent

1. Download and Extract Installation Package

# Download installation package
wget https://pcdn.titannet.io/test4/bin/agent-arm.zip

# Create installation directory
mkdir -p /opt/titanagent

# Extract installation package
unzip agent-linux.zip -d /opt/titanagent

2. Obtain Key

  1. Open your browser and visit:

  1. Log in to your Titan wallet account

  2. Find and copy your Key

3. Running the Program

cd /opt/titanagent

# Run Agent 
./agent --working-dir=<your-titan-agent-folder-path> --server-url=https://test4-api.titannet.io --channel=arm --key=<your-key>
  • Replace "your-titan-agent-folder-path" with the actual folder location

  • Replace "your-key" with the key you copied earlier


  • It's recommended to set up the program as a system service for automatic startup on boot

Last updated