🚫Release v0.1.20 - Cassini Testnet
Update Deadline:
Please ensure that the update is completed by August 5, 2024, at 12:00 PM UTC (8:00 PM Beijing Time). Failure to do so will result in your node being forcibly taken offline.
Update Details:
• Integration of Titan L1 Nodes with Containers: The Titan L1 nodes have been successfully integrated with container functionality, significantly enhancing resource efficiency and system performance.
• New Network Ports: Please ensure the following ports are open in your network settings to enable proper node operation and communication:
• 80 TCP: For HTTP communication. [New]
• 443 TCP: For HTTPS communication. [New]
• 9000 TCP: For inter-node communication.
• 2345 TCP/UDP: For node broadcasting and data synchronization.
Please confirm that all these ports are open to ensure seamless node operation and connectivity. 🌐
Update Guide
For Upgrading Existing Nodes
Verify the upgrade: Run the following command to confirm the update was successful:

Last updated