🏢Intall Titan Agent on Windows Pro

Hyper-V is Microsoft's free virtualization service, available on Enterprise, Pro, and Education editions of Windows 8 and later.

Method 1: Enable Hyper-V through GUI

  • Open "Control Panel"

  • Click "Programs"

  • Click "Turn Windows features on or off"

  • Check "Hyper-V", confirm

  • Wait for feature installation

  • Restart computer

Method 2: Enable Hyper-V using PowerShell

  1. Open PowerShell as administrator.

  2. Run the command:

Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Hyper-V –All

If command not found, ensure PowerShell is running as administrator. Restart after installation.

Method 3: Enable Hyper-V using CMD

  1. Open CMD as administrator.

  2. Type command:

DISM /Online /Enable-Feature /All /FeatureName:Microsoft-Hyper-V
  • When complete, you'll see:

Do you want to restart the computer now?(Y/N)

Enter Y to restart. For issues, refer to official documentation: Install Hyper-V on Windows

Step 2: Download and Install Multipass

1. Download Multipass

  • Select Windows page

  • Click "Download Multipass for Windows" for multipass-<version>+win-win64.msi installer

2. Install Multipass

  • Double-click .msi file

  • Click "Next"

  • Accept license agreement

  • Select "Add multipass to the current user's PATH"

  • Choose installation directory

  • Click "Install"

3. Verify Installation

  1. Open CMD as administrator.

  2. Type: multipass --version

Success if version number appears.

Step 3: Install and Run Titan Agent

Note: While demonstrated on desktop, installing on D: or E: SSD is recommended, avoid C: drive or desktop.

1. Download Titan Agent

  • Open browser

  • Visit:

  • Wait for download to complete

2. Extract Files

Create "titan-agent" folder on desktop

  1. Right-click on your desktop

  2. Choose "New folder"

  3. Name it "titan-agent"

  4. Extract agent-windows.zip and move all files into "titan-agent" folder

3. Get Key

  1. Visit:

  1. Login to Titan account

  2. Find and copy your key

4. Run Titan Agent

  1. Open CMD as administrator:

  • Press Windows key

  • Type "cmd"

  • Right-click "Command Prompt"

  • Select "Run as administrator"

  1. Navigate to Titan-Agent folder:

cd your-titan-agent-folder-path
  1. Start Agent:

Copy following command

agent.exe --working-dir="your-titan-agent-folder-path" --server-url=https://test4-api.titannet.io --key=your-key
  • Replace "your-titan-agent-folder-path" and "your-key" with actual values.

Common Issues

If "multipass cannot connect network" error occurs: Reinstall multipass package, click Repair to fix installation.


🤩We extend our thanks to community volunteer Bohan for translating this document in February 2025.

Last updated