Install Titan Agent on Linux (x86)
System Requirement
Supported OS: Ubuntu, Debain, Fedora, CentOS/RHEL
Hardware architechture: x86/x64
Minimum configuration requirements:
CPU: 2 Cores
Memory: 4GB
Hard Disk: 50GB available space
Step 1: Multipass Installation Steps
Check if Snap is Installed
First, ensure your Linux system has Snap installed. Most modern Linux distributions (like Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, etc.) support Snap by default. Open terminal (press Ctrl + Alt + T) and enter: snap --version
If version information displays, it's installed - skip to step 3
If you see "
command not found
", you need to install Snap
Install Snap
Choose your system and run the corresponding command:
Ubuntu/Debian users:
Fedora users:
CentOS/RHEL users:
Enable Snap after installation:
Install Multipass
Wait for installation to complete
Verify Installation
Seeing a version number means successful installation!
Having Issues?
Command not working? Try adding 'sudo'
Slow download? Check network and retry
Installation interrupted? Run command again
Step 2: Installing and Running Titan Agent
1. Download and Extract Installation Package
2. Get Your Key
Open browser and visit:
Log into your Titan account
Find and copy your key
Run the Program
Replace "your-titan-agent-folder-path" with actual folder location
Replace "your-key" with the key you copied earlier
Common Issues
Download failed? Check network connection
Extraction error? Ensure unzip is installed:
apt install unzip
oryum install unzip
Insufficient permissions? Use sudo to run commands
Program won't run? Add execution permission:
chmod +x agent
Recommended to set up the program as a system service for auto-start on boot
Last updated