🍄Node Unjail

Enter the following command in the command line to check the status of your node:

cat ~/.titan/config/genesis.json | jq ".genesis_time"

Determine the status of your node based on the output:

Status 1️⃣ : output 2024-07-28T10:00:00.000000000Z

Indicates that your node did not make any updates between Aug 7 - 8.

Status 2️⃣ & 3️⃣ : output 2024-08-08T08:00:00.000000000Z

Indicates that your node made its first update between Aug 7 - 8 and did not invoke the update script again after August 8th.

Status 4️⃣: ouput 2024-08-08T12:00:00.000000000Z

Your node is still jailed after completing two updates

Status 1️⃣ & 2️⃣ & 3️⃣: Failure to update nodes in time or only for the first time

Time range: Aug 7 - 8

  • Description: Nodes did not perform an update during this period; or nodes performed their first update during this period and did not call the update script again.

  • Solution:

Follow the update guidelines and check if the current node height matches the height on the blockchain browser (https://testnet.titan.explorers.guru).

If it does, you can perform the Exit Imprisonment operation.

Unjail the node

titand tx slashing unjail

If the error (unsupported sign mode SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL): unauthorized occurs when unjailing, you need to get the latest Titan-chain code to compile and replace it. See "Getting the latest code and updating the node to unjail" below for details on how to do this.

Status 4️⃣: Still being jailed after completing two updates

If you complete the both updates but your node is still jailed, can unjail the node by execute the following command

Unjail the node

titand tx slashing unjail

If the error (unsupported sign mode SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL): unauthorized occurs when unjailing, you need to get the latest Titan-chain code to compile and replace it. See "Getting the latest code and updating the node to unjail" below for details on how to do this. *If you encounter any other issue during the unjailing process, please contact us for support.

Getting the latest code and updating the node to unjail

1. Clone the git repository again

First, clone the git repository of Titan chain again to ensure you have the latest code.

git clone https://github.com/Titannet-dao/titan-chain.git

2. Complile and update Titan node

Enter the cloned directory

cd titan-chain

Compile the latest version of Titan node using Go

go build ./cmd/titand

Stop running service of Titan validator node

systemctl stop titan

Delete the old version of executable of Titan node

rm $(which titand)

Move the new version of executable to the system directory

mv titand /usr/local/bin/

Restart the titan system service

systemctl start titan

3. Unjail the node

titand tx slashing unjail

Note: If your node is not jailed, you don't need to execute this step.

Last updated